Iran nuclear deal talks to resume in Vienna on June 12

Iran nuclear deal talks to resume in Vienna on June 12


A new round of face-to-face talks in Vienna to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s nuclear program will begin on June 12, Report informs, citing TASS.

“The Joint Commission on the JCPOA will resume its work in person this Saturday, June 12, in Vienna,” the statement said.

Since April, Vienna has hosted face-to-face talks between Iran and the international “five” (Russia, Great Britain, Germany, China, and France) to restore the Iranian nuclear agreement in its original form. Experts in three working groups are working out the text of an agreement to resume the implementation of the JCPOA: the lifting of US sanctions against Iran (and the further return of the US to the deal) and the performance of Iran’s nuclear obligations, from which it significantly deviates.

Representatives of the JCPOA member states also hold separate consultations with the US delegation, which withdrew from the agreement in 2018, but now wants to return to it. There have been no direct talks between the American emissaries and representatives of Iran in Vienna.


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