Taliban names condition for reconciliation

Taliban names condition for reconciliation


A Taliban negotiator has said Talibs will declare a three-month ceasefire on condition of the release of 7,000 inmates and removal from UN’s ‘blacklist,’ Afghanistan’s 1TV News reports, citing a participant of the negotiations from the Afghan authorities Nader Naderi.

Report informs, citing RIA Novosti, that the government forces are confronting the Taliban* militants in Afghanistan, who seized vast territories in rural areas and unleashed an offensive on big cities.

Instability in Afghanistan is growing amid promises of the US administration to complete troops withdrawal from the country by September 11.

In 2020, Washington and Taliban* representatives signed the first peace agreement in more than 18 years of war in Doha. The document envisages the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan in 14 months and the launch of the internal dialogue in the country.



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