Afghan Defense Ministry announces elimination of 233 Taliban militants

Afghan Defense Ministry announces elimination of 233 Taliban militants


The Afghan National Defense and Security Forces eliminated 233 militants of the radical Taliban movement over the past day, and 88 more were injured, Report informs, citing TASS.

The army conducted combat operations in the provinces of Nangarhar, Ghazni, Kandahar, Jowzjan, Sari Pul, Faryab, Balkh, Helmand, Takhar, and Kunduz. The security forces found and defused 15 improvised explosive devices. Besides weapons, ammunition and vehicles of the militants were destroyed.

Yesterday, Defense Ministry reported the elimination of 136 Taliban, the wounding of 81 militants of the radical movement in various country provinces.

Meanwhile, on July 18, two-day talks between a delegation of Afghan politicians and representatives of the Taliban ended in Doha, the capital of Qatar. The parties agreed to continue peace talks, but it was not possible to introduce a ceasefire.

Clashes between government forces and the Taliban intensified after the statement of US President Joe Biden, who on April 14 announced his decision to end the operation in Afghanistan, which became the most protracted foreign military campaign in American history. As of July 13, the United States has more than 95% completed the withdrawal of its troops.


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