China provides international aid against coronavirus

Azerbaijan confirms 174 new COVID-19 case


The Chinese government will allocate about 3 billion US dollars in aid to developing countries in the next three years to combat the pandemic and restore socio-economic development. Report informs, citing TASS that Chinese President Xi Jinping during a meeting of leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) held in a videoconference mode under the chairmanship of New Zealand.

“China has overcome the challenge posed by large-scale vaccination, providing 500 million doses of vaccines to developing countries. In the next three years, we will allocate $3 billion for international assistance, which will be intended to support the fight of developing countries against the pandemic and restore their socio-economic development,” China Central Television quoted him as saying.

“The epidemic has once again demonstrated that we all live in one global village, states share joys and sorrows, and we share a common fate,” Xi Jinping said.

“We should unite in the name of cooperation, overcome difficulties together and jointly defend the wonderful future and the health of humanity,” the head of state stressed.

The Chinese government will also provide APEC with funds to create a global fund to combat the pandemic and restore the economy, Xi Jinping said.


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