Customs officers stand trial over corruption charges

Customs officers stand trial over corruption charges


A court trial on the criminal case of the employees of the Baku Head Customs Department has kicked off at the Baku Court on Grave Crimes under the chairmanship of Judge Ali Mammadov.

Report informs that at a preliminary session, the lawyers of Jeyhun Shabanov, Miraga Agayev, and Emin Khalilov said their defendants have nothing to do with the criminal case shown in the indictment. They asked to stop the criminal case against their defendants.

The judge said the petition is not a subject of the preliminary session and will be considered at the next session. The lawyers also asked to replace the pre-trial restrictions in the form of detention with the home arrest, but the judge declined this petition.

The following petition of Elmar Mirzoyev’s lawyers was the removal of the data from his phone from the list of evidence.

But the petition was not accepted as well.

The court session is scheduled for September 6.


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