First tour to Agdam to be arranged this month

First tour to Agdam to be arranged this month


The State Tourism Agency launched tours to Karabakh, Report informs, citing agency chairman Fuad Nagiyev.

He said the first tour would be arranged to Agdam this month.

“We will organize the tour for those residents who were born in Agdam but were unable to visit there for nearly 30 years,” Nagiyev said.

Head of the Agency’s Regional Development Sector Elgun Javadov noted that the Karabakh Tourism Routes concept was developed earlier this year.

“The concept includes the Agdam and Fuzuli-Khojavand routes. The information about the tour to Agdam will be brought to the public because there is an issue of participation and online and offline purchases of tickets. As for prices, discussions are currently underway. Today the discussions proceed at the Interagency Central Level, and we have made our proposals. A decision on prices will be made at the final discussions. As for the Fuzuli-Khojavand route, we visited there, and if people show interest, we can arrange tours in this direction starting next year,” he said.


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