First Vice President of Afghanistan declares himself caretaker president

First Vice President of Afghanistan declares himself caretaker president


Afghanistan’s first vice president, Amrullah Saleh, has declared himself interim president based on the province’s constitution.

“As per the constitution of Afghanistan, in absence, escape, resignation or death of the President the FVP [first vice president] becomes the caretaker President. I am currently inside my country and am the legitimate caretaker President. Am reaching out to all leaders to secure their support and consensus,” he tweeted.

He also called on the Afghan people to join the fight against radical Taliban militants. He noted that the republic’s population must prove that Afghanistan is not Vietnam and the Taliban is not Vietcong.

On August 15, the Taliban claimed to have entered Kabul and seized control of the entire territory of Afghanistan. President Ashraf Ghani left the country immediately. According to some reports, the politician took a large amount of money while fleeing the country. The Kremlin has said the politician must answer to the Afghan people for shamefully fleeing the country.


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