Javid Osmanov: Radio is tet-a-tet relationship between listener and presenter

Javid Osmanov: Radio is tet-a-tet relationship between listener and presenter


“Radio is the tet-a-tet relationship between the listener and the presenter,” the famous radio and television presenter Javid Osmanov said at a meeting with the Report Media School students.

The radio presenter spoke about the art of radio to young trainees:

“Radio is a fascinating and challenging field. The first obstacle is not visible visually. Visual elements that exist in television are not used here. However, the advantage is more than a little. Since the role of the personality is always important on the radio, the presenter should ask himself about why people listen or do not listen to him.

Javid Osmanov also stressed the importance of teamwork in radio:

“The radio producer, the chief producer, the creative producer, and the music editor are helping to create the program. The music choice is not only in the competence of the presenter. Many issues are determined before the program is aired. Every nuance should be according to the format. It won’t be a mistake to say that the presenter shows better results with a leading professional team. In this case, the knowledge and internal potential of the radio presenter become more vivid.



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