La Monde: Azerbaijan used UAVs perfectly in Karabakh war

La Monde: Azerbaijan used UAVs perfectly in Karabakh war


The famous French publication La Monde published an article by military expert Louis Gautier entitled “War of UAVs.”

According to Report, the author spoke about the power and efficiency of Turkish-made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The article says that after the failed coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016, the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan began to pay special attention to army building and the development of the military industry.

‘Turkey has increased its military power, as well as military-export potential, and gained a significant advantage by using a new generation of weapons and systems that are an alternative to traditional ones.

It resulted in the country’s growing arms exports and the expansion of its geography of influence. The use of such a new generation of weapons has overturned commonly accepted war scenarios and theories and made them more critical and irreplaceable by destroying large-scale weapons systems with these cheaper systems.

The article also says that since 2016, some states and armed forces with limited access have been using simple types of UAVs. During the use of this type of weapon, it became clear that UAVs in groups can ensure the absence of other military equipment in military operations. It was the Turkish army headquarters that first discovered and realized this.

The article also discusses the high professionalism of Azerbaijani service members in the Second Karabakh War and the perfect application of anti-aircraft missiles in Karabakh. It was stated that Turkish-made strike drones (Bayraktar TB2) and Israeli-made suicide drones (HAROP) surprised many people during the war. According to the article, unlike other conflicts, the war waged in Nagorno-Karabakh used anti-aircraft missiles in coordination with artillery and missile systems belonging to the “earth-to-earth” class.

The military expert also noted that the Armenian side suffered heavy losses.

According to the publication, for now, only Azerbaijan and Qatar have Turkish drone systems. The following countries are expected to be Poland and Ukraine. Latvia is also interested in purchasing these systems. The perfect application of UAVs in Karabakh worries many military headquarters around the world, including France.


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