Landmines slow down reconstruction process, return of IDPs to their homes, Ilham Aliyev says

Landmines slow down reconstruction process, return of IDPs to their homes, Ilham Aliyev says


“Recently, I defined the Five National Priorities on socio-economic development of the country for the next ten years. The return of hundreds of thousands of IDPs to their homeland in dignity and safety is, among others, our key priority,” President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said speaking at the Mid-term Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement held in a video format today.

“However, the main challenge is the mines planted by Armenia in large quantities. Since the signing of the capitulation act by Armenia on 10th of November 2020, almost 30 Azerbaijani citizens were killed and around 100 citizens were wounded. Furthermore, it slows down the reconstruction process in liberated territories and return of IDPs to their homes,” the head of state noted.

He added that the demining of these vast territories takes a lot of time and resources.

“Armenia refuses to release the mine maps. The international community must force Armenia to provide Azerbaijan with mine maps of all liberated territories. In conclusion, I would like to assure you once again, that Azerbaijan will do its utmost for contributing to increasing international influence of the NAM, to strengthening solidarity within the Movement and defend justice and international law,” the country’s leader said.


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