MoD: Azerbaijan Army’s positions once again were subjected to fire

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On August 20, starting from 18:58 to 23:53, the Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the Yukhari Zaghali, Guney, and Yukhari Shorzha settlements of the Basarkechar region in the Yukhari Mehrab settlement of the Berd region using sniper rifles, assault rifles, and machine guns periodically subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army’ positions in the direction of the Yellija and Istisu settlements of the Kalbajar region, the Garalar settlement of the Tovuz region, and the Galakend settlement of the Gadabay region.

Moreover, on August 20 starting from 20:37 to 01:00 on August 21, illegal Armenian armed detachments in the territory of Azerbaijan, where Russian peacekeepers are temporally deployed, using assault rifles and machine guns periodically subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army Units positions stationed in the Chaghaduz settlement of the Khojavend settlement and the vicinity of the city of Shusha.

There are no losses among the military personnel of the Azerbaijan Army.

The Azerbaijan Army Units control the operational situation.


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