Pashinyan: Some forces in Armenia want civil war

Pashinyan: Some forces in Armenia want civil war


Acting Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in an interview with the Public Television of Armenia that some forces in the country want a civil war, Report informs.

“These are the forces during whose rule the events of October 27 (on this day in 1999 there was a terror attack in parliament) and March 1 (on this day in 2008 there were clashes with the police, which led to casualties),” Pashinyan said.

At the same time, the leader of the Civil Contract party noted that a rally with the participation of his supporters is planned for June 21, but no clashes are expected there, he added.

Early parliamentary elections in Armenia are scheduled for June 20. Party of acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan ‘Civil Contract’ and the bloc of ex-President Robert Kocharyan ‘Armenia’ which, according to sociological research, are main rivals, participate in the elections.


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