SOCAR to supply diesel fuel to Ukrainian railways 

SOCAR may supply diesel fuel to Ukrainian Railways


SOCAR Energy Ukraine signed a contract on the purchase of diesel fuel for Ukraine’s railways, Report informs, referring to a statement of A-95 Consulting Group.
Ukrainian Railways announced a tender on July 1 to purchase 15,000 tons of diesel fuel under the framework agreement.

Thus, the railway company will hold five tenders, and each of these tenders will supply 3,000 tons of diesel fuel. The approximate marginal cost of the resource is set at 28,824.22 hryvnias per ton.

According to the consulting group, the framework agreement on the supply of 200,000 tons of diesel fuel was signed with OKKO, Torum, Gastream, Aliance Erergo Trade, Oil Trade 2018, Levane Torg, Martine Trade, and SOCAR Ukraine on July 1.


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