Azerbaijan discloses number of vaccinated people 

[ad_1] Some 60,191 people received their anti-coronavirus shots in Azerbaijan today, the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers told Report. The number of those who got their first jab reached 45,649 today, while 14,542 people got their second dose of the vaccine. To date, 6,170,376 coronavirus vaccine jabs have been administered to the population… Continue reading Azerbaijan discloses number of vaccinated people 

SOFAZ discloses revenues from ACG, Shah Deniz fields

[ad_1] The State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ) has revealed revenues from exploiting the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli (ACG) and Shah Deniz fields in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, Report informs, citing the fund. From January through June 2021, the fund received just over $2.354 billion from the ACG field. Since the start of ACG development… Continue reading SOFAZ discloses revenues from ACG, Shah Deniz fields

Azerbaijan discloses number of people vaccinated against COVID-19

[ad_1] Some 40,709 people received their anti-coronavirus shots in Azerbaijan today, the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers told Report. The number of those who got their first jab reached 22,837 people today, while 17,872 people got their second dose of the vaccine. To date, 2,956,663 coronavirus vaccine jabs have been administered to the… Continue reading Azerbaijan discloses number of people vaccinated against COVID-19

Azerbaijan discloses number of vaccinated people 

[ad_1] Some 22,976 people received their anti-coronavirus shots in Azerbaijan today, the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers told Report. The number of those who got their first jab reached 16,531 people today, while 6,445 people got their second dose of the vaccine. To date, 2,839,322 coronavirus vaccine jabs have been administered to the… Continue reading Azerbaijan discloses number of vaccinated people 

Azerbaijan discloses number of vaccinated people 

[ad_1] Some 322 people received their anti-coronavirus shots in Azerbaijan today, the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers told Report. The number of those who got their first jab reached 247 people today, while 75 people got their second dose of the vaccine. To date, 2,775,641 coronavirus vaccine jabs have been administered to the… Continue reading Azerbaijan discloses number of vaccinated people 

WHO discloses anti-COVID recommendations to countries hosting UEFA EURO 2020

[ad_1] “Sports events, such as the UEFA Euro Championship can attract a large number of domestic and international visitors coming together at stadiums and gathering before and after the tournaments themselves. We know from experience that mass gatherings can act as an amplifier for the virus, especially with regarding to variants of concern spreading in… Continue reading WHO discloses anti-COVID recommendations to countries hosting UEFA EURO 2020