CBA currency exchange rates (06.08.2021)

[ad_1] According to the official exchange rates of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan for today, the USD remained unchanged at AZN 1.7000, EUR decreased by 0.12% to AZN 2.0097, and RUB dropped to AZN 0.0232. Currency Exchange rates 1 USD (US dollar) 1.7000 1 EUR (Euro) 2.0097 1 RUB (Russian ruble) 0.0232 1 AUD (Australian… Continue reading CBA currency exchange rates (06.08.2021)

CBA currency exchange rates (26.07.2021)

[ad_1] According to the official exchange rates of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan for today, the USD remained unchanged at AZN 1.7000, the euro decreased by 0.07% to AZN 2.0023, and the Russian ruble increased by 0.43% to AZN 0.0230. Currency Exchange 1 USD (US dollar) 1.7000 1 EUR (Euro) 2.0023 1 RUB (Russian ruble)… Continue reading CBA currency exchange rates (26.07.2021)

France hails Azerbaijan-Armenia exchange of prisoners and mine maps

[ad_1] France welcomes the release of 15 Armenian detainees by Azerbaijan, and Armenia’s decision to provide Baku with the minefield maps of the Azerbaijani districts of Fuzuli and Zangilan, the French Embassy in Baku said in a statement, Report informs. “After the one on June 12, this exchange constitutes a critical new gesture to reduce… Continue reading France hails Azerbaijan-Armenia exchange of prisoners and mine maps

US welcomes exchange of detainees and minefield maps between Azerbaijan and Armenia

[ad_1] “The United States welcomes the July 3 release by Azerbaijan of 15 Armenian detainees and their return to Armenia. We also welcome Armenia’s decision to share information with Azerbaijan that will facilitate humanitarian demining,” the US Embassy in Baku said in a statement, Report informs. “These actions follow Azerbaijan’s June 12 release of Armenian… Continue reading US welcomes exchange of detainees and minefield maps between Azerbaijan and Armenia