Qatar, Turkey provide financial aid to Kabul airport

[ad_1] Turkey and Qatar have provided financial assistance to the resumption of the airport operation in Kabul, Report informs, citing Tolo News. The channel quotes a Taliban official as saying the airport may reopen in the next two days. Both countries allocated a total of $30 million. [ad_2]

ADB: Lower demand for railway transportations to deepen financial problems

[ad_1] The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has published a report on the implementation of the development program in the sphere of railways in Azerbaijan. Report informs that the document features the current state and forecasts on the country’s railway sector and provides information about the projects implemented within the ADB program. The railway development program… Continue reading ADB: Lower demand for railway transportations to deepen financial problems

WB, IMF to complete assessment of Azerbaijan’s financial sector

[ad_1] The World Bank (WB) plans to complete the third assessment of the financial sector of Azerbaijan as part of the FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program) within 2-3 months, Report informs, citing Sarah Michael, the World Bank (WB) Country Manager for Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani government has applied with a request to conduct the subsequent assessment… Continue reading WB, IMF to complete assessment of Azerbaijan’s financial sector