Ambassador: We would like our Azerbaijani friends to come and visit Pakistan

[ad_1] Pakistan is ready to implement flights to Azerbaijan, Pakistani ambassador to Azerbaijan Bilal Hayee told Report. According to him, they see that AZAL (Azerbaijani airlines) is also ready for that. “We are simply waiting for the visa procedures to begin because the flights will be commercially profitable, if people can travel and, for travel,… Continue reading Ambassador: We would like our Azerbaijani friends to come and visit Pakistan

Mayor of Ukraine’s Poltava: We have been friends with Azerbaijanis for decades

[ad_1] Eastern Europe Bureau of Report presents an interview with Oleksandr Mamay, the Mayor of Ukraine’s Poltava city. – How do you assess the current level of relations between the regions of Azerbaijan and Ukraine? Which sectors need deepening cooperation? – You know, as the mayor of a small regional center, but nevertheless, probably the… Continue reading Mayor of Ukraine’s Poltava: We have been friends with Azerbaijanis for decades