Indian Ambassador: Azerbaijan is an important partner in North-South Transport Corridor – INTERVIEW

[ad_1] Report‘s interview with Indian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Bawitlung Vanlalvawna on the occasion of the Republic Day of India. As you know, on June 21, 32 containers departed from Finland’s capital Helsinki to the Indian port of Nava Sheva on the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) that also crosses Azerbaijan. How do you think the… Continue reading Indian Ambassador: Azerbaijan is an important partner in North-South Transport Corridor – INTERVIEW

Arie Gut: Azerbaijan has created new reality in South Caucasus – INTERVIEW

[ad_1] Report interviews Arie Gut, a famous Israeli expert in international relations. – It is generally accepted that the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict is over. However, constant provocations and persisting violations of ceasefire from the Armenian side do not promote peace in the region… – I can say that the war is over. It was a real… Continue reading Arie Gut: Azerbaijan has created new reality in South Caucasus – INTERVIEW

Reznikov: Azerbaijan’s liberation of its territories confirms internationally recognized world order – INTERVIEW

[ad_1] Eastern Europe bureau of Report presents an interview with Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov. – You recently paid a working visit to Azerbaijan. How do you assess the results of this visit? What kind of cooperation agreements were reached? – Firstly, I am happy… Continue reading Reznikov: Azerbaijan’s liberation of its territories confirms internationally recognized world order – INTERVIEW

Economy Minister: We encourage UAE investors to expand their projects in Azerbaijan – INTERVIEW

[ad_1] Last week, a delegation led by the Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Abdullah Bin Touq Al Marri, visited Azerbaijan. Within the framework of the visit, the UAE Minister of economy gave an interview to the Report on the current cooperation between Azerbaijan and the UAE and the expansion of these… Continue reading Economy Minister: We encourage UAE investors to expand their projects in Azerbaijan – INTERVIEW