President Ilham Aliyev: Today, we are restoring historical justice by rebuilding these territories

[ad_1] “We regularly take foreign guests, journalists, politicians and public figures to the liberated lands so that they can see and know that we have not only liberated our territory from occupation, we have liberated the whole region from Armenian fascism. Today, we are restoring historical justice by rebuilding these territories,” said President Ilham Aliyev… Continue reading President Ilham Aliyev: Today, we are restoring historical justice by rebuilding these territories

Ilham Aliyev receives delegation led by deputy chairman of Turkish Justice and Development Party

[ad_1] President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received a delegation led by Deputy Chairman of Turkish Justice and Development Party Numan Kurtulmus. According to Report, the sides hailed the successful development of friendly and brotherly relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey in all areas. The special role of regular contacts between the heads… Continue reading Ilham Aliyev receives delegation led by deputy chairman of Turkish Justice and Development Party

Azerbaijan’s glorious victory – triumph of international law, justice, and NAM values, says Ilham Aliyev

[ad_1] “The year 2020 was remarkable for Azerbaijan, as one of the important items on the Movement’s Agenda was successfully resolved. As you know, Armenia, for about 30 years, kept under occupation almost 20 % of the territory of our country. Armenia conducted ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis. More than one million Azerbaijanis became refugees and… Continue reading Azerbaijan’s glorious victory – triumph of international law, justice, and NAM values, says Ilham Aliyev

Azerbaijan, Georgia discuss cooperation in justice

[ad_1] Georgian Minister of Justice Rati Bregadze and Azerbaijani Ambassador to Georgia Faig Guliyev have today hold a meeting, Report’s local bureau informs, referring to the ministry. The minister introduced the priorities of the ministry. They discussed cooperation and plans between the ministers of justice of both countries. Guliyev thanked the minister for cooperation. [ad_2]… Continue reading Azerbaijan, Georgia discuss cooperation in justice