SGC liabilities fall by 28%

[ad_1] The Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) ended the first half of 2021 with AZN 39,139,846 in loss, Report says. In January-June 2021, general and administrative expenses stood at AZN 8,193,310, other operating expenditures at AZN 2,118,457, loss on exchange rate difference at AZN 12,020,822. Financial income and expenses, respectively, amounted to AZN 88,697,137 and AZN… Continue reading SGC liabilities fall by 28%

External liabilities of Azerbaijani banks shrink by 23%

[ad_1] As of July 1, 2021, external liabilities of Azerbaijani banks amounted to over 1.137 billion manats ($669.18 million). Report informs, citing the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, that this figure is 2.4% less than on June 1. The volume of external liabilities decreased by 6.8% compared to the beginning of the year and by 22.7%… Continue reading External liabilities of Azerbaijani banks shrink by 23%