Extraordinary session of Milli Majlis kicks off today

[ad_1] The first plenary meeting of Milli Majlis’ extraordinary session starts today. According to Report, the meeting will focus on revoking the immunity of Milli Majlis member Eldaniz Adil oglu Salimov. Notably, 53 parliament members addressed Speaker Sahiba Gafarova with the request to convene the extraordinary session of the legislative body. Considering the deputies’ demands,… Continue reading Extraordinary session of Milli Majlis kicks off today

Milli Majlis discusses criteria for determining disability

[ad_1] Eleven issues were considered at the meeting of the Milli Mejlis Committee on Labor and Social Policy. Report informs, citing the Press and Public Relations Department of the Milli Majlis, that the discussions involved first deputy chairman of the Milli Majlis Ali Huseynli, deputy chairman of the Milli Majlis Adil Aliyev, head of the… Continue reading Milli Majlis discusses criteria for determining disability