Discounts offered to veterinarians |

[ad_1] Expansion of private veterinary will lead to the development of livestock, Tahir Rzayev, chairman of Agrarian Policy Committee of Milli Majlis, said at a private veterinary event organized by the Ministry of Agriculture. Report informs, according to him, that there should be some concessions in this area. “Sometimes, farmers with large numbers of livestock… Continue reading Discounts offered to veterinarians |

Foreign Minister: We have repeatedly offered Armenia to cooperate on mining issues

[ad_1] “We have repeatedly offered Armenia to cooperate and provide information on the mining issue,” Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov said at a press conference following a meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart Ruslan Kazakbayev, Report informs. “There were dead and wounded Armenians as a result of the mine explosion two days ago. Mine does not… Continue reading Foreign Minister: We have repeatedly offered Armenia to cooperate on mining issues