Talibs vow to respect women’s rights

[ad_1] The Taliban, who control almost the entire territory of Afghanistan and are preparing to take power in Kabul, have promised to respect women’s rights and not deprive them of the opportunity to work, Report informs, citing Al Arabiya TV channel. “We will respect the rights of women and allow them to work on the… Continue reading Talibs vow to respect women’s rights

Talibs say they seized all of Afghanistan

[ad_1] The radical Taliban movement has announced that it has taken control of the situation throughout Afghanistan, Report informs, citing Al Arabiya TV channel. According to earlier reports, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani will resign in the coming hours. The peaceful transfer of power will take place today at the Kabul presidential palace. [ad_2] https://report.az/en/other-countries/talibs-say-they-seized-all-of-afghanistan/

Afghanistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs says Talibs entered Kabul

[ad_1] Afghanistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs said Talibs had entered Kabul, Report informs, citing Reuters. Per RIA Novosti, the militants had taken control of Kabul University, west of the capital. A Taliban flag has been hoisted in one of Kabul’s districts. Taliban insurgents earlier captured the key eastern Afghanistan city of Jalalabad without a fight… Continue reading Afghanistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs says Talibs entered Kabul

Talibs take hold of Afghanistan’s Jalalabad

[ad_1] The Taliban militants have seized the Afghan city of Jalalabad, Report informs, citing Associated Press (AP). The settlement, along with Kabul, has been one of the two big cities controlled by the authorities. A local told France Press that Talibs took hold of the city without any fighting. [ad_2] https://report.az/en/other-countries/talibs-take-hold-of-afghanistan-s-jalalabad/