Customs officers stand trial over corruption charges

[ad_1] A court trial on the criminal case of the employees of the Baku Head Customs Department has kicked off at the Baku Court on Grave Crimes under the chairmanship of Judge Ali Mammadov. Report informs that at a preliminary session, the lawyers of Jeyhun Shabanov, Miraga Agayev, and Emin Khalilov said their defendants have… Continue reading Customs officers stand trial over corruption charges

Date of Eldar Hasanov’s trial announced

[ad_1] A preliminary hearing on the criminal case of Eldar Hasanov, former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan to Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be held on August 27. The trial will take place in the Baku Court of Grave Crimes under the chairmanship of Judge Afgan Hajiyev. The former ambassador is facing charges… Continue reading Date of Eldar Hasanov’s trial announced

Members of Armenian terrorist group to face trial today

[ad_1] Today, the Baku Court of Appeal will hold the trial on the criminal case of Astanyan Yeqis Oganesovich, Aramyan Karen Armenovic, Avakian Tigran Manikovic, Gevorgyan Grigor Qevorqiyevic, Manukyan Hovsep Robertovich, Martirosyan Qevorg Samvelovic, Gevorgyan Robert Ovikovic, Avetisyan Vaqarsaq Asotovic, Akopyan Volodya Qaqikovic, Sukiasyan Andranik Srapovic, Manukyan, Andranik Tigranovich, Sagatelyan Grigor Seyranovic, and Giraqusyan Edward… Continue reading Members of Armenian terrorist group to face trial today

Trial of 13 members of Armenian armed formations continue – UPDATED

[ad_1] The court trial on the case of the members of the Armenian terrorist group Ovanesyan Haykaz Koryunovic, Manukyan Varazdat Amusavanovic, Stepanyan David Stepanovich, Tosunyan Levan Asotovic, Baghdasaryan Artur Eduardovich, Avakian Serop Surenovich, Arutyunyan Varazdat Seryojevic, Manukyan Jora Vanoevic, Herabyan Hrayr Hracovic, Gosparyan Narek Agaovic, Kuregyan Grigor Gagigovic, Gevorgyan Ashot Artakovic, Aqramanyan Martin Mushegovic was… Continue reading Trial of 13 members of Armenian armed formations continue – UPDATED

Members of Armenian terrorist group to face trial today

[ad_1] Today the Baku Court of Grave Crimes will hold the trial on the criminal case of Avakyan Grach Arzumanovich, Serobyan Gegham Samvelovich, Bagasyan Armen Yegizari, Gasparyan Gor Vagramini, Sefilyan Kamo Karenovich, Hakobyan Volodiya Vachagani, Asatryan Gevorg Norairovich, Yengoyan Sisak Grishai, Petrosyan Albert Kamoyevich, Sedrakyan Romik Misakini, Minasyan Aram Garnikovich, Minosyan Mkrtich Simonovich, Matesyan Edgar… Continue reading Members of Armenian terrorist group to face trial today

Trial of several members of Armenian terrorist group to start today

[ad_1] The Baku Court of Grave Crimes will hold the trial on the criminal case of Karapetyan Rafik Robertovich, Qoloyan Gurgen Hovannesovic, Tadevosyan Hrayr Seryojevic, Maloyan Vagarsak Merojanovic, Yegiazaryan Sasun Seyranovic, Vardanyan Arsene Araikovic, Bahrikyan Vahagen Edikovic, Sogomonyan Setrak Samvelovic, Dilanyan Arman Vazgenovic, Martoyan Manuk Hovanesovic, Ambardanyan Mels Karapetovic, Mikaelyan Andranik Vazgenovic, and Gregorian Felix… Continue reading Trial of several members of Armenian terrorist group to start today

Trial of 13 members of Armenian terrorist group reshceduled

[ad_1] Today, the Baku Court of Grave Crimes rescheduled the trial of Karapetyan Rafik Robertovich, Goloyan Gurgen Hovannesovich, Tadevosyan Hrayr Seryojevich, Maloyan Vagarshak Merojanovic, Yeghiazaryan Sasun Seyranovich, Vardanyan Arsen Araikovich, Bahrikyan Vahagen Edikovich, Soghomonyan Setrak Samvelovich, Dilanyan Arman Vazgenovich, Martoyan Manuk Hovanesovich, Ambardanyan Mels Karapetovich, Mikaelyan Andranik Vazgenovich, and Grigoryan Felix Arshakovich, who fought as… Continue reading Trial of 13 members of Armenian terrorist group reshceduled