Selakovic says Azerbaijan, Serbia united by commitment to same values

[ad_1] “The Serbian Republic attaches particular importance to the strategic partnership with Azerbaijan,” Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said during a press conference following a meeting with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, Report informs. “Our talks today were very successful and confirmed our mutual desire to develop our bilateral and multilateral relations. The Serbian Republic… Continue reading Selakovic says Azerbaijan, Serbia united by commitment to same values

Azerbaijan’s glorious victory – triumph of international law, justice, and NAM values, says Ilham Aliyev

[ad_1] “The year 2020 was remarkable for Azerbaijan, as one of the important items on the Movement’s Agenda was successfully resolved. As you know, Armenia, for about 30 years, kept under occupation almost 20 % of the territory of our country. Armenia conducted ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis. More than one million Azerbaijanis became refugees and… Continue reading Azerbaijan’s glorious victory – triumph of international law, justice, and NAM values, says Ilham Aliyev