Afghanistan falls to Taliban – did the West betray the Afghan people?

[ad_1] The Taliban recaptured Afghanistan 20 years later. The United States, Russia, China, the European Union, other countries, and international organizations spoke about the cooperation with the movement without removing it from the list of terrorist organizations. It seems that in such a situation, or in the agreed actions, the sanctions, the “black list” also… Continue reading Afghanistan falls to Taliban – did the West betray the Afghan people?

President of Azerbaijan: If there is East Zangazur, then there is also West Zangazur

[ad_1] “A new era has begun now – the era of construction, the post-conflict era,” President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said while attending a ceremony to give out apartments and cars to families of martyrs and war disabled in Khojasan settlement, Binagadi district, Baku, Report informs, citing AzerTag. “I have said this… Continue reading President of Azerbaijan: If there is East Zangazur, then there is also West Zangazur

Tase: West continues turning blind eye to Armenian belligerent policies

[ad_1] “The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US Department of State continue to maintain a distance and shameful silence when addressing the global security situation and Europe’s near and distant threats; always turning a blind eye when it comes to the Armenian belligerent policies in Southern Caucasus,” US political scientist, expert in the… Continue reading Tase: West continues turning blind eye to Armenian belligerent policies