Trump’s former lawyer suspended from practicing law in New York

Trump's former lawyer suspended from practicing law in New York


A New York appellate court suspended Rudolph W. Giuliani’s law license on Thursday after a disciplinary panel found that he made “demonstrably false and misleading” statements about the 2020 election as Donald J. Trump’s personal lawyer, Report informs, citing The New York Times.

The court wrote in a 33-page decision that Giuliani’s conduct threatened “the public interest and warrants interim suspension from the practice of law.”

Giuliani helped lead Trump’s legal challenge to the election results, arguing without merit that the vote had been rife with fraud and that voting machines had been rigged.

“We conclude that there is uncontroverted evidence that respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at re-election in 2020,” the decision read.

Giuliani now faces disciplinary proceedings and can fight the suspension. But the court said in its decision that his actions had posed “an immediate threat” to the public and that it was likely he would face “permanent sanctions” after the proceedings conclude.

Giuliani’s lawyers, John Leventhal and Barry Kamins, said in a statement that they were disappointed that the panel took action before holding a hearing on the allegations.

The suspension marked another stunning chapter in the rise and fall of Giuliani’s long legal and political career. He rose to national prominence when, as New York City mayor, as he steered the city through the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.


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