US welcomes exchange of detainees and minefield maps between Azerbaijan and Armenia

US welcomes exchange of detainees and minefield maps between Azerbaijan and Armenia


“The United States welcomes the July 3 release by Azerbaijan of 15 Armenian detainees and their return to Armenia. We also welcome Armenia’s decision to share information with Azerbaijan that will facilitate humanitarian demining,” the US Embassy in Baku said in a statement, Report informs.

“These actions follow Azerbaijan’s June 12 release of Armenian detainees and Armenia’s decision to provide Azerbaijan information to facilitate humanitarian demining. This US-supported effort, facilitated by Georgia, laid the groundwork for further cooperation between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The United States also appreciates Russia’s efforts to support regional stability.

The United States continues to call for the return of all detainees and the exchange of all data necessary to conduct effective demining of conflict regions. We stand ready to support cooperation and the resolution of outstanding issues in the region. We also continue to urge Armenia and Azerbaijan to reengage in substantive negotiations under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs to negotiate a comprehensive and sustainable political settlement to the conflict,” the US Embassy said.


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