WHO expert warns of risk of spreading Delta strain of COVID to South Caucasus

WHO expert warns of risk of spreading Delta strain of COVID to South Caucasus


There is a very high likelihood of spread of the Delta strain of coronavirus into the South Caucasus, Catherine Smallwood, senior emergency officer at the WHO Regional Office for Europe, told Report.

She said that the Delta strain is rapidly replacing other variants of the coronavirus across the region, in western European countries, in Russia and several countries in central Europe: “And we are likely to see that occurring in Central Asia, and also in the South Caucasus.”

Smallwood noted that in Azerbaijan there has been “a very solid response to surges in the past and that needs to be continued.”

“So, despite vaccination continuing or with uptake increasing, there will remain large population groups, especially the people who are at risk of severe COVID-19 as the Delta variant spreads.



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