Chief pediatrician speaks about artificial baby foods

Chief pediatrician speaks about artificial baby foods


“There are few contraindications to breastfeeding. It is not recommended for a mother with AIDS to breastfeed her baby. However, most countries allow mothers with hepatitis to breastfeed their babies,” said Chief Pediatrician of the Ministry of Health Erkin Rahimov, Report informs.

According to him, if the baby is getting vaccines on time after birth, breastfeeding is advisable.

Rahimov also clarified the dissatisfaction regarding artificial foods: “There are some cases which oblige to give a baby artificial food. If the mother is not stressed and gets quite fluids, she will have milk. Sometimes milk can not be sufficient for a baby. As a result, the baby may develop diabetes. It is not right to give artificial food without informing the mother and her consent.”


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