Ilham Aliyev speaks about position of Iran and Georgia

“Iranian position was also articulated. Probably you heard about the Iranian plan for the settlement, which provides territorial integrity of countries. The Iranian religious leader recently made a statement that Armenia should liberate internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan. So, this is a reaction of two neighbors,” President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said in an interview with Spanish news agency EFE on November 4.

“Position of Turkey is well-known. It always stands for international law and UN Security Council resolutions. Georgia, on many occasions before, also supported Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. This is the opinion of our neighbors. So, Armenia is in isolation. So, they want to internationalize the conflict. They want to exploit some bogus information and fake news from history to get support. But the best way for Armenia to act now is to admit their defeat, admit our victory and make a commitment that they will withdraw from the remaining part of the territories,” he stressed.

Categorized as Karabakh

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